
Henry Ramsay, also known as Henry Mitchell, is a beloved fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, portrayed by Craig McLachlan. Debuting on February 19, 1987, Henry is the only son of Fred and Madge Mitchell and the brother of Charlene and Sam Cole. Renowned for his mischievous nature and money-making schemes, Henry’s romantic entanglements included relationships with Sue Parker and Melanie Pearson before he ultimately settled down with Bronwyn Davies. After moving to New Zealand to pursue a career as a disc jockey, Henry and Bronwyn married. Henry departed the show on November 23, 1989, and McLachlan’s portrayal earned him three Logie Awards during his tenure on Neighbours.

Neighbours Kenny and Henry fight

Henry and Kenny’s iconic fight. Kenny Larkin was a character in Neighbours, who appeared in 4 episodes in 1987. He was the ex-convict friend of Henry Ramsay and was played by a young Russell Crowe.

Craig McLachlan winning the Gold Logie for Most Popular Personality, Neighbours, 1990.

Craig McLachlan wins the Gold Logie for Most Popular Personality on Australian Television at the 1990 TV Week Logie Awards.

Henry's famous towel scene.

Joe hits Toby after finding out his son skived his first day at his new school, and attempts to toughen up his son’s masculine instincts. Henry finds himself getting back to nature when Aunt Edie returns and he has to run home naked!

Neighbours Henry's last scene Craig McLachlan

Great vintage Neighbours featuring Henrys final scenes.

Craig's farewell to Henry and Neighbours

Henry was dying to say goodbye to everyone. So this is him for the very last time.

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